“Just do something.” Classic advice for the creative who is stuck in procrastination. Or we hear, “take a class” or “find a critique group”, but is it that easy? Is the answer to our creative slump as simple as get to work?
Personally I think something crucial is missing in this practical advice. So before you sign up for another class, buy a new gadget or declutter your work space, there’s something important for you to consider.
Your heart.
Your messy, fearful, insecure, often confused, procrastinating, broken heart.
The world needs your heart to get into the creative process and show us what you’ve got.
To leave out your heart won’t work. I mean really has it ever worked? Be honest. Truth is you’ll never get anywhere closer to your dreams if you leave your heart out, actually you’ll become more stuck in your procrastination. Imagine yourself digging a trench and never moving an inch one way or another. Soon that once narrow line becomes a deep hole, then a cave, and eventually your grave.
Is that what you want?
Me neither.
You want a real solution to make real progress. Right? I get that because I do too.
Well, then it’s time to bring your heart to the work table. No more hiding behind busy. Yes, it’s risky and you may get hurt. You will be judged by some and rejected by others. Some people will love your work and others will hate it. You will fail over and over again along the way, but so what, you will learn. And you will feel most alive. And you’ll finally be using your God-given gift of creativity. And that my friend is worth the tears, frustrations, your resources, time and talent. Waiting until you feel ready isn’t working. Neither is pretending you don’t have a dream. It’s there still, buried deep within your heart.
So will you bring your heart to work knowing that you may get hurt or feel rejected or even judged?
As creatives, we must live all heart, we have no choice. Because without heart, the world is left to wonder,”Is this all there is?” Have you ever read a book and thought geez I could have wrote that. Seems so generic, ordinary, even textbook like. Have you ever felt like the storyteller was holding back? Well that’s an example of half-hearted work and that’s not you, right?
You’re braver than that.
So show up.
No more procrastination.
It’s your time. No more excuses.
Be all in and all heart.
Q4U- What’s stopping you from sharing your heart?
Ah, you nailed it, Tiffany. More like a sword piercing through all the dross to get down to what’s real, what’s eternal. So beautifully written. Sharing. Thank you. Love you.
Gloria, thank you for all your support throughout the years. I’ve learned about heart by watching you. xo
I am SO GLAD you are doing this! I look forward to your ministry to all of us who need a space like this. Love ya!
Aww, thanks for your support, Melanie. You are always so generous and sweet to me. I appreciate you and what you teach me as you live as a creative.
Tiffany, I am so thrilled you are sharing with us again. I’m not so sure I’m afraid to put my heart into what I’m doing. For me it us more of an issue to figure out WHAT to put it into. I will be following your posts. Glad you’re back!
Haha, I get that, Colleen. I will be addressing that topic of “too many good ideas, hard to choose”. That’s what all multi-passionate people struggle with. You are not alone. I’m with you in having to pick something or a few things.
AmaZing!!!! Amazing!! Spot on.
Thanks for getting this going!!! GO You brave heart!
Wow, Angie. Thank you for the amazing encouragement! LOVE you!! This bird has her wings again.
So true, Tiffany!
Without heart, there is no authentic work. Without authenticity, our work isn’t a reflection of ourselves. If we don’t reflect ourselves, our experiences, our emotions, etc., then what do we have to say? If we have nothing to say, there’s no need to create.
Our hearts are the essence of our creativity for it is through our hearts, that God speaks to us.
Thank you for your authentic message. And for all your support. BIG HUG!!!
Hi Deborah, happy new year!! I loved your sharing on authenticity and our work. You are a gifted writer. Hope life is treating you well these days, it’s been a while since we’ve touched base. I’d love an update via email, through FB messaging or even through a phone call. hugs back at you.
Powerful message. Yes, I have gotten my heart broken a couple of times, but I am still perusing my dream and with God on my side, I feel more confident than ever.
I’m so glad you haven’t given up, Iris. You have a gift of photography and writing and I’m sure there are many more gifts inside of you that I don’t know about. 🙂 So glad you are still risking your sweet heart!